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Hvað segja okkar viðskiptavinir?

Share wonder

"Vá ég er í sjokki hvað þessar vörur virka vel. Er búin að vera með stíflur allt mitt líf og aldrei fundið neitt sem hjálpar almennilega. Ég var að því komin að fara í ristilskolun! En þetta virðist nánast gera það sama. búin að taka tvisvar sinnum og bara vá! Hef lifað á magnesia medic en það er alls ekki að hreinsa eins og þetta!"

Barbara D.

"Ég er búin að vera í nokkur ár á lyfjum f. Ristilinn og þau voru uppseld þannig að ég prófaði þetta og haltu þér fast;) þetta virkar 100 sinnum betur en öll þau lyf sem búið er að prófa á mér síðustu ár!"


Ein sátt

"Mig langar að hrósa þessari vöru ég er búin að vera á greipaldin núna síðan á þriðjudaginn sem sé búin að taka í 5 daga og guð minn góður þvílík hreinsun og mikill léttir og sv otók ég eftir einu ég hef ekki þurft að taka bakflæðislyf sem ég hef verið að taka á hverju kvöldi. Hef ekki fengið neitt bakflæði. Kv ein sátt!"


Very happy

"Gvuð minn góður hvað þetta er GEGGJAÐ!! tók einn lítinn bita og bjó svo til te úr rest og þvílíka hreinsunin. Þetta bjargaði mér og vanlíðan minni við að þurfa fara drekka ógeðis olíu eða drykk til að losa um (sem btw virka bara verr) Ég varð eins og NÝ manneskja! Uppþemban, stíflan, óþægindin og allt það farið eftir 1 dag!! Allavega verður minn daglegi biti það sem eftir er!"


A great experience

"I started eating the Share Plum about two months ago. The first two weeks I had to deal with cramps, but I kept going and was rewarded with a great feeling in my center. I feel lighter, freer and fit. Just try it."

Verena H.

A wonder

"I had for decades problems with digestion, lately it went almost only with "tutoring" speak enema from the pharmacy. Thanks to this wonderful plum, my bowels work from one day to the next like they used to! I didn't know what it felt like at all anymore and after a little over 1 week I still can't really believe it. I MUST and MAY simply recommend this divine plum, because a person can do nothing better for his intestines and thus for his whole body:-)))"

Gabriela R.

Allt annað líf með Share

"Ég hef tekið Share í 2 ár, eina plómu eða hálfa pomelo á dag, vá þvílík breyting!! Ég hef aldrei náð jafn góðu jafnvægi á líðan, þyngdarstjórnun, excem á olnbogum farið, candida og get ekki lýst líðaninni og meltingin er í fullkomnu standi alltaf þarf ekki að hugsa um það vandamál allavega meira"



"simply great...years of constipation.... nothing really helped...the plum is just great"

Ronald B.

I am thrilled

"after the first 3 days I still thought "Heavens, what are you doing to yourself here!", but after that a pleasant routine came in. For the first time I experience a regularity that does not have to be achieved with teas or even medicaments. The plum accompanies me positively in my weight loss. I feel good and look forward to the "bedtime snack" every evening. Thank you."

Sonja S.

To the well-being

"I have tried all 3 products from you, I am very satisfied with them. I want to promote my health and especially my intestinal health. Share helped me to eat healthy and lose weight."

Simone Z.

life changing experience

"this plum has totally relaxed my life. Before, my thoughts were constantly circling around what else can I take or do to get rid of my constipation. All the remedies no longer worked. Almost a year ago I got to know this plum and since then constipation is no longer an issue for me. On the contrary, suddenly diarrhea was my issue. It took me a little longer to find the right dosage. In the meantime, everything has normalized wonderfully. I take a quarter of a prune every evening with a glass of water and next morning the purging works as planned and as it should. If only someone had told me this earlier. Honestly, I no longer believed that I would find a remedy that would solve my problems and, on top of that, would be good for the intestinal bacteria."

Sandy M.

Small praline, wonderful taste and great effect!

"I first tried the Pomelozzini because I had read about the laxative effect of the plum and rather also wanted to stimulate the liver in addition to the intestine. The aromatic taste comes through the whole day in the mouth again. I had immediately the next day shiny hair and after 3 days really bounce in the hair. I realized that my hair loss must come from the intestine and tested the plum a week later. It tastes incredibly good, especially the large ones with the green ferment powder. However, I am not allowed to take more than half of one. Not even a small whole one, then it gets too uncomfortable the next day. I have had hair loss after Corona infection for over a year now and have tried all the supplements, micronutrients, gut bacteria, allergy treatment that I can think of. Everything has only helped hair quality in the short term. I am glad I have found something."

Maike H.

Valuable accompaniment during detoxification.

"The Pomelozzini have become a valuable companion for me during a six-week detox diet. They are tasty and detox gently but effectively. I will gladly order them again."

July L.


"I have just started eating the fermented plum and I am already thrilled with the healthy resounding effect. I feel light and free. At work I already raved about it and advertised. About fasting I would be advised by Lena immediately and in detail. Keep up the good work."

Christina M.

Love it so much

1/4 af pomelozzini virkar vel fyrir mig og mitt IBS, mæli með!


Love it so much

"Short dress in a printed viscose weave with a round neckline, opening with a button at the back of the Seams with small frill trims at the waist and on the sleeves and skirt. Unlined."

Dean D. US

Það sem viðskiptavinir okkar segja um Share

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Vinsælar vörur

Regular price 4.200 kr
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Regular price 16.900 kr
Sale price 16.900 kr Regular price 13.520 kr
Regular price 4.200 kr
Sale price 4.200 kr Regular price 3.360 kr
Regular price 16.900 kr
Sale price 16.900 kr Regular price 13.520 kr
Regular price 33.800 kr
Sale price 33.800 kr Regular price 27.040 kr
Regular price 5.200 kr
Sale price 5.200 kr Regular price 4.160 kr
Regular price 33.800 kr
Sale price 33.800 kr Regular price 27.040 kr
Regular price 11.500 kr
Sale price 11.500 kr Regular price