Helstu notkunarleiðbeiningar
Geymsluþol gerjuðu ávaxtanna frá Share er við stofuhita í opnum eða óoppnuðum umbúðum. Einnig er í góðu lagi að geyma gerjuðu ávextina frá Share í kæli. Share Aquadoro skal geymt í kæli eftir opnun, best er að leggja flipann aftur á könnuna ef hluta af drykknum er neytt, en fyrir opnun skal drykkurinn geymdur við stofuhita eða í kæli.
Njóttu Share® hvenær sem er dagsins!
Við mælum með að borða 1/2-1 ávöxt á dag.
En gott er að byrja smátt t.d á 1/4 til að byrja með.
Taktu þó eftir að Share Original plóman er með kjarna sem að þú átt ekki að borða! En við hjá Share mælum með að opna kjarnann með hnotubrjóti og smakka innan úr honum, kjarninn inniheldur mikið magn vítamína!
Ef að þú borðar kjarnann þá þarft þú ekki að hafa áhyggjur það stafar engin hætta á því. Kjarninn í Share Original er eins og kjarni í venjulegri plómu.
Best er að borða Pomelozzini eða Share Original eftir mat, fyrir mat eða á kvöldin fyrir svefn. Mundu bara að Share er 100% náttúrulegur ávöxtur og þú getur notið Share hvenær sem er dagsins
Drekktu volgt vatn með, við volgt vatn vakna góðgerlarnir í gerjuðu ávöxtunum frá Share.
Drekktu volgt vatn!
Eftir að þú borðar plómu er mjög mikilvægt að drekka 300-500 ml af volgu vatni (37-40°C) fyrir hámarks virkni!
Það er betra fyrir meltinguna ef að vatnið er volgt.
Heilbrigð melting
Þú ættir að finna virknina eftir fyrstu inntöku af ávextinum. Margir finna fyrir miklum létti í meltingu og á magasvæði.
Það er engin líkami eins og því misjafnt hvaða áhrif ávöxturinn hefur, hjá sumum byrjar hreinsun eftir 20 mínútur á meðan aðrir bíða í margar klukkustundir!
Við minnum á að ef að þér finnst þú ekki finna fyrir breytingu þá gæti verið ráðlagt að bæta í skammtinn og muna sérstaklega eftir að drekka volgt vatn með.
Eftir nokkurra daga notkun er eðlilegt að finna mun á meltingarvegi og líkama svo við mælum með að bæta Share® inn í þína daglegu rútínu til að hreinsa líkamann og bæta þína heilsu!
Samkvæmt TCM (Chinese traditional medicine) er mælt með að neyta Share á hverjum degi í að minnsta kosti 3 mánuði. Það er í lagi að taka Share á hverjum degi eða af og til, bara alveg eins og hentar þér. Share er ávöxtur og engin regla um inntöku.
Mikil hreinsun getur átt sér stað fyrstu dagana vikurnar, þegar góðu bakteríurnar í gerjuðu ávöxtunum eru að losa sig við slæmar bakteríur og svepp í líkama. Share detoxar meltingarvegin og með tímanum koma góðu bakteríurnar jafnvægi á meltinguna og rútínan með Share orðin hluti af daglegu lífi :)
Mín fyrsta vika með Share
Spurningar og svör
What is the best way to take the trial packs?
You will also receive a folder entitled "Your 1st week with Share®" with your trial pack. In it you will find a suggestion on how to take the products.
I would start by enjoying only one product per day and only a "gentle dose" ie:
- 1/2 can of ShareAqua d'Oro drink
- 1/2 or 1/4 ShareOriginal Plum
- or 1/4 SharePomelozzini® per day.
Why is drinking water so important with our fermented products?
We recommend that you always drink at least 500ml of body-warm water with the ShareOriginal plum and SharePomelozzini praline.
Warm, still water "wakes up" the probiotic microorganisms and helps to remove toxins from the body.
With cold water the body has to warm up and it can lead to abdominal cramps, but it does not have to.
When is the best time to take Share® products?
First of all, there is NO formula that is the same for everyone - we can only give you a general recommendation! Since these are fermented foods, you can eat them when you like.
Feel free to eat them early in the morning or at lunch. Just see how it fits best into your day and what your gut tells you.
TCM advises to take it in the evening before sleeping, because your body will have a rest then, but many clients also take it in the morning or at noon.
You can eat them right away or soak them in water in the morning and then eat them in the evening.
Just try it out and see how it tastes best to you.
If you are taking them for the first time, I would start with 1/4 or 1/2 fruit and see what your gut tells you.
How long should one take the Share® products?
To be able to positively influence the microbiome in the intestine, one advises a daily intake of probiotic food for at least 3-9 months.
According to TCM, after 3 months you "sanitize" the large intestine, after 6 months the small intestine and after 9 months the liver and gall bladder.
Since these are fermented foods, they can be eaten daily, as they stimulate intestinal peristalsis and thus can support metabolism.
How should one eat during a Share® cure?
Each person is individual and unique, so you can not answer this question in a general way, because everyone has a different daily routine, moves differently, is exposed to different stress, etc..
A healthy diet is very important! As soon as you start to eat more unhealthy, our fermented products may not "clean through" as well as usual.
It's no wonder, because your intestines have to spend longer trying to digest the food in your gut when you eat an unhealthy diet, and that makes you feel bloated and "full".
We love the TCM approach though, so I would recommend an alkaline diet for you. Eat at least 30g of fiber, cooked vegetables, potatoes, legumes and salad per day. Avoid alcohol, fast food or highly processed foods.
Drink plenty of still water that is warm to the body and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. The ideal would be at least 10,000 steps per day.
Finally, sufficient sleep of at least 7-8 hours rounds off a healthier lifestyle.
Is it possible to eat the seed of the ShareOriginal® plum?
Due to fermentation, the bioavailability of vitamins and minerals in ShareOrignal® plum is increased because it is not heated.
This results in the formation of K and B vitamins, for example.
In the kernel, they say, is the "UR information" of the fruit, that is, the gusto.
I love to open the pit at the end with a nutcracker, because the inside is very soft, tastes so good and is a little sweet.
Can the Share® products be taken together and what is the difference between the products?
Yes, these should even be taken together to get enough prebiotics and probiotics. Please read this article from us for that.
Difference between the products:
ShareOriginal® Plum
ShareOriginal® Plum (jap. apricot) is allowed to grow "wild" and therefore has a pit inside. It is picked by hand, fermented for 30 months and coated with herbs (0.1% content) - according to TCM super alkaline and are perfect for intestinal development and a healthy microbiome.
Directions ShareOriginal® Plum:
To start, eat half a ShareOriginal® Plum(jap. apricot) in the evening before bed and drink 500 ml of body-warm water with it. (Attention: there is a kernel inside - but you can also eat it. Just open the peel and the inner core has a lot of vitamin B7) According to TCM it is alkaline.
You can also drink the ShareOriginal® plum tea: Put 1 plum in 1 liter of 40 degree warm water and let it steep for 20 minutes. After that you have a delicious probiotic herbal tea and you can eat the plum at the end.
Share Aqua d'Oro® drink
ShareAqua d'Oro® drink is the 1st drink in the world that contains 24 fermented fruits and vegetables. It is the gentle introduction to the world of pro- and prebiotics and it is antioxidant. Here I would recommend half a can or one can a day.
SharePomelozzini® Praline
In a SharePomelozzini® praline there are 5-8 grapefruits, they were crushed with the skin and fermented in the same primal ferment that the ShareOriginal® plum 30 months. It perfectly supports liver and gall bladder, as it is full of bitter substances, essential oils and enzymes! According to TCM, it has a draining effect. I recommend cutting the fermented grapefruit in half and eating it in the morning or at noon.